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香港航空青年團最近接獲公眾查詢有關海外聯絡主任一事,本團目前並沒有委任任何人為海外聯絡主任代表本團處理海外事務。 如有任何問題,請致電2712 8900或透過電郵與我們聯絡。


The Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps membership of former member WONG Po Kei (Simon WONG, 黃寶祺) was terminated on 15 May 2015. The Corps is not responsible or liable for his acts and activities whatsoever.

Msg 205/24 - Service memo -2445B_香港街馬2024_8 Dec 24
Msg 204/24 - Grantham Scholarships Fund - 2024-25 Grantham Uniformed Youth Groups Outstanding Service Award - Nomination Invitation
Msg 203/24 - Tender for the Flight Simulators for Proposed Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps Training Centre at Nos.1F Shiu Fai Terrace, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Msg 202/24 - [PhyAsmt] Physical Assessment Result Announcement (PT24-16)
Msg 201/24 - Service Memo - Trailwalker 2024 第一階段報名結果公佈
Msg 200/24 - Aviation Career Seminar - GFS and Visit to ICTU Safe Community Hub
Msg 199/24 - 周年大匯操2024 - 參加匯操隊列提示
Msg 198/24 - Advanced Aviation Education Programme 2024
Msg 197/24 - 香港航空青年團周年大滙操 隊列比賽(信善盾)
Msg 196/224 - Air Rifle Training (Oct 2024)
MSg 195/24 - [IACE] Application for IACE 2025 - Outgoing Delegates
Msg 194/24 - [IACE] Application for IACE 2025 - Outgoing Escorting Officers
Msg 193/24- [IACE] Application for IACE 2025 - Local Escorts
Msg 192/24 - [IACE] Recruitment of Organizing Committee for IACE 2025
Msg 191/24 - HQRO 9.24
Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps is a uniformed group support and funding by Government Flying Service. A registered charitable body and a member organization of the Hong Kong Community Chest, we offer quality aviation education programmes to prepare young people for possible future service in the local Aviation industry, thereby contributing to the economic well-being of Hong Kong.
[Flag Day 2022] 香港航空青年團賣旗日2022
HKACC members took part in anti-epidemic services
Flight Simulator Experience October 2021 - Joining Instruction
Special Announcement
城專新辦航空飛行副學士 -- 星島日報
城大專上航青團合辦 航空飛行副學士 - 明報

Member Agency of
The Community Chest

HKCSS Agency Member

Pledge On Donor's Rights

WiseGiving Charity

© 2011 - 2015 HONG KONG AIR CADET CORPS - All rights reserved

Address: Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps Headquarters, Sung Wong Toi Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong | Contact: Tel: 27128900 Fax:27156944

Office Hour : Monday to Saturday : 10:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm

Store Opening Time : Tuesday and Thursday : 3:00pm - 5:30pm, Saturday : 10:30am - 1pm, 2:30pm - 5:30pm

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