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Ranks & Insignia

Organization Chart



The Commanding Officer of the Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps is Group Captain CHAN Man Lang IDSM. As HKACC Chief Executive Officer, the Commanding Officer is responsible to the Executive Board for the Corps’s day to day operations.


The Commanding Officer’s Office with the assistance of the Staff Officer oversees financial and properties management and information technology, co-ordinates a number of specialist functions at headquarters level, namely administration of the Honorary Officers Scheme; legal affairs; capital project; interface with government policy bureaux and funding agencies; and liaison with foreign Air Cadet Organizations.


The Aviation Education and Development Group conducts aviation education and training programs for the Corps. The group also organises air experience activities and explores sustainable development and enhancement opportunities with tertiary institutions such as Associate Degree (Aviation and Pilot Studies) with UOW, HK.


The Administration Group discharges the administrative and support functions necessary for the daily running of the Corps. Its portfolio encompasses the routine administrative function of personnel; organization of adventure activities; public affairs; logistics and supplies; UK liaison and medical support.


The Skills Development and Support Group enhances services in the provision of guidance and support to cadet members during their progression through the Cadet Rank and Classification Systems as well as the development of the core skills to adult members in the instructor rating system to ensure a train-the-trainer program is in place. The Group also aims at brigading operational support functions to all front line units; organizing cadet non-commissioned officer training and skills training; and providing community services in Hong Kong as well as to organize activities in Hong Kong as well as in the Greater Bay Area and/or the Mainland for Corps members.


The Operations Group is in direct command of the six operational wings and is responsible for organizing and coordinating the activities of cadet and university squadrons. The Operations Group sees to that the functioning of its subordinate units is in line with the training objectives set out by the Headquarters, and that the Corps community services commitments are satisfactorily fulfilled.


The Training Group establishes the training standards and syllabus within the Corps. Such standards are constantly updated in light of community needs and technical advancements. The Training Group also runs advanced and specialist courses such as adult training; provides vocational qualifications, musical and ceremonial support services of the Corps.


The Special Projects Group is tasked with conducting a study on the service period of officer ranks of the Corps and making recommendations on feasibility of introducing a service tenure and retirement for senior rank officers; conducting a review and comparison on the areas of responsibilities of different officer posts of the Corps, and recommending a frame work for comparison and benchmarking of different posts at the same rank; and serving as the Contact Point between the Corps and the Consultant appointed to conduct a strategic review on the development of the Corps.


cadet member

Cadet Member

Young people between the age of 11 to 20 who are interested in aviation and leadership training can apply to join the HKACC as a cadet. The upper age limit of a cadet member is 21.


A Cadet Non-Commissioned Officer (Cadet NCO) is a cadet member holding the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO), Cadet Flight Sergeant (FS), Cadet Sergeant (Sgt) or Cadet Corporal (Cpl). Cadet Corporals are Junior Non-Commissioned Officers (JNCOs) and cadets with the rank of Sgt and above are Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (SNCOs)



Cadet members who have reached the age of 21, and any persons, aged 21 or above, having completed Form Five or equivalent, and are willing to serve the community through volunteer service, are eligible for appointment as Instructors (Instrs) subject to the satisfactory completion of the prescribed training programme.


Instructors are eligible for progressive promotion to the ranks of Sergeant Instructor (Sgt Instr) and Warrant Officer (WO) through positive selection upon achievement of the necessary skill instructor ratings and time-in-service requirements.

officer trainee Officer Trainee

An Officer Trainee (OT) is a member of a University Squadron or University Flight undergoing training to become Commissioned Officers. An Officer Trainee must be be older than 17 years on joining and younger than 24 years old on graduation, and a full time students enrolled in the institution which operates a University Squadron/Flight, with at least two years before graduation;
officer cadet Officer Cadet

An Officer Cadet (Off Cdt) is an adult member attending the Officer Cadet Training Cadet (OCTC) understudying the duties of a Commissioned Officer. The minimum age of an Officer Cadet is 21 and the requisite educational standard is a university degree, of 2 HKAL passes at E grade and 5 HKCAA credits, or equivalent.
commissioned officer

Commissioned Officer

A Commissioned Officer is an adult member with the rank of Air Commodore (Air Cdre), Group Captain (Gp Capt), Wing Commander (Wg Cdr), Squadron Leader (Sqn Ldr), Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt), Flying Officer (Fg Off) and Pilot Officer (Plt Off).


Qualified personnel possessing professional/technical qualifications or special expertise required by the Corps may be directly commissioned as Specialist Officers, with the rank of Specialist Wing Commander (Wg Cdr [sp]), Specialist Squadron Leader (Sqn Ldr [sp], Specialist Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt [sp]), Specialist Flying Officer (Fg Off [sp]), Specialist Pilot Officer (Plt Off [sp]).

  Civilian Instructor

Civilian Instructor appointments allow volunteers to use their skills where they best fit. One can give as much or little time as one can, and there are no formal entry qualifications - just enthusiasm and a willingness to serve the community.
honorary officer Honorary Officer

Members of the public interested in supporting the Air Cadets may invited for appointment as Honorary Officers. Honorary Officer ranks include Honorary Group Captain (Hon Gp Capt), Honorary Wing Commander (Hon Wg Cdr), Honorary Squadron Leader (Hon Sqn Ldr), Honorary Flight Lieutenant (Hon Flt Lt), and Honorary Flying Officer (Hon Fg Off).

Rank & Insignia

Air Commodore Group Captain Wing Commander
Squadron Leader Flight Lieutenant Flying Officer
Pilot Officer    
Officer Cadet Officer Trainee Warrant Officer
Sergeant Instructor Instructor  
Pilot Aircrew Glider Pilot Parachuting Instructor
Parachutist Glider Aviator Advanced Glider Aviator Aeromodel Pilot Badge I
Aeromodel Pilot Badge II Aeromodel Pilot Badge III    
Cadet Warrant Officer Cadet Flight Sergeant
Cadet Sergeant Cadet Corporal
Cadet Lance Corporal
Staff Cadet Senior Cadet
Leading Cadet First Class Cadet
Cadet Classification Badges
Cap Badge
(Air Officer)
Cap Badge
(Officer & WOs)
Service Dress Cap Badge of Instructors and Cadets Squadron Identification Badge Shoulder Badge
Beret Badge
(Officer & WOs)
Cap and Berret Badge (Cadet) Cadet Communty Services Achievement Ribbon First Aider Honour Guard
Marksman Physical Assessment Instructor Award of Hong Kong Award For Young People Commandant's Commendation Lanyard Honorary Officer's Lanyard
Commander's Insignia        
Other Insignia
Hong Kong Cadet Forces Medal for Distinguished Service Hong Kong Cadet Forces Medal for Meritorious Service Hong Kong Cadet Forces Medal
Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps Medal of Special Merit Gold(L), Sliver(M), Bronze(R) HKACC Honorary Officer's Efficiency Award HKACC 30th Anniversary Commemorative Medal


© 2011 - 2015 HONG KONG AIR CADET CORPS - All rights reserved

Address: Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps Headquarters, Sung Wong Toi Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong | Contact: Tel: 27128900 Fax:27156944

Office Hour : Monday to Saturday : 10:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm

Store Opening Time : Tuesday and Thursday : 3:00pm - 5:30pm, Saturday : 10:30am - 1pm, 2:30pm - 5:30pm

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